Saturday, May 17, 2014

Psalms in Hebrews4Christians

One of the best websites for studying the psalms is Hebrews 4 Christians, where anyone who's interested can study the Hebrew language and look for helpful pieces of information in Bible study in general.
Here's the link.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Lent 2014

I'm a bit late starting (already Saturday, first week of Lent), but better late than never.  My hope is that this Lent, I can get a good start on my Lentan Laments project.  Whatever that turns out to be, will be revealed as I go along--as much a mystery to me as to anyone.

My view of the first week of Lent of Lamentation Psalms looks like this:
Ash Wednesday: Pss. 6, 32, 38, 102, 130, and 143.
Thursday: Pss. 1 to 7 (omitting Ps. 6)
Friday: Pss. 8 to 11
Saturday: Pss. 12 to 15

Sunday is not part of Lent.  As the Day of Resurrection, it is a day of celebration not lamentation.