Saturday, March 8, 2014

Lent 2014

I'm a bit late starting (already Saturday, first week of Lent), but better late than never.  My hope is that this Lent, I can get a good start on my Lentan Laments project.  Whatever that turns out to be, will be revealed as I go along--as much a mystery to me as to anyone.

My view of the first week of Lent of Lamentation Psalms looks like this:
Ash Wednesday: Pss. 6, 32, 38, 102, 130, and 143.
Thursday: Pss. 1 to 7 (omitting Ps. 6)
Friday: Pss. 8 to 11
Saturday: Pss. 12 to 15

Sunday is not part of Lent.  As the Day of Resurrection, it is a day of celebration not lamentation.